
AnetCTI - CTI Platt home

AnetCTI is a CTI platt home using Asterisk OSS system.
It is an applcation by using OSS and has a robust features and stability as below.

1.It could be implemented on cloud and on premises server.
AnetCTI could be implemented minimum like a RasberriPI4 - maximum Enterprise erver h/w.
OS CentOS7.x
(We recommend Oracle DB for Enterprise system)
Middleware Apache2.x
Asterisk 1.8.x or 13.x
2.It supports Multi-Box, Multi-Location and centerlize all configuration and logs by using AnetCTI Admin application.
To configure mutibox of basic Asterisk server is bit dificult for users but it is very easy to configure it by using our AnetCTI Portal.
We usualy recommend max 90 seats by one CTI server for call center and configure mult-box and location by using AnetCTI Admin easily.
And also, we can confiure home office agent easily to handle covid-19 social distance regulations.
3.Voice recording and logs.
Voice recording is a most mandatory function for call canter as you know.
AnetCTI Portal provides this as a basic function and you can configure it for each inbound telephone number as recode it or not.
Also, you can retrieve and play voice recode easily by AnetCTI Portal screen.

AnetCTI Portal - Admin application.

AnetCTI Portal provides centerized CTI ,ACD, Voice Recording configutation.


AnetCTI - Applications


You can manage your call list simply and can start your outbound call business emidiately after install this application.
"Simple!!" is a only concept of this dialer but "Simple!!" is "Strong!!".


Call Transfer system.

This system provides IVR and ACD function for your customer call to follow your call transfer rule.
IVR system will offer the customers call untile some extension answers or sends SMS as if anyone not answered.
For example, our customer use this appliation as below.

A.Marketing tool.
Customer prepares several telphone number and put them on different advertisement paper or web page.
And then, accepts a inbound call from these number and gets statistics from call log.
By using this statistics, customer can determine whitch advertiment has good effectives.
B.Reservation system.
For restrant, we provides call transfer service by specific ACD.
Using this transfer system, restrant can exactly catch their customers call.
